M. Sidi Ritaudin




"Booming" Ahok phenomenon and Friends Ahok had a tumultuous world of Indonesian politics. He did not have any support political parties or civil society organizations. This is a political anomaly, he dared to openly oppose the legislature to expose corruption in parliament. Ordinary politeness norms do not apply to Ahok. For him, there was no politeness that should be shown in front of people who considers hoodlums and robbers public money. According to Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok), anger is "politeness" for people who are considered evil. In his nomination, he chose the path of non-party independent and has the support of the Friends Ahok reached 98.5 percent and Ahok elektabilitas rate to 59 percent. Really Ahok is a political anomaly Indonesia. Political Party principles and may have different political views. Political parties are built to facilitate the struggle for power that the cake later divided by the officials and political supporters. They establish the rules and laws that are sometimes not needed by the people, or even contrary to the interests of the people. They were squaring himself as a political, prospective rulers, officials, owners of the country and so that deprive their own sense of reason that they were born of the people. Issues “deparpolization” actually very interesting because it is time for political parties to reflect on the achievements and behavior itself so no longer possible Indonesian people are aware that they need people who emerged from the churning that is located not in the political parties, but emerged from hell suffering people , If Ahok and Friends Ahok choose an independent path that too is a legitimate option and there are laws that Act No. 8 of 2015 on the Amendment of the Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2015 concerning the election of Governor, Regent, and Mayor be Constitution. Although it does not belong to a party but has a clear direction that reason and conscience.


Keywords : Friend Ahok , Politics Partrai , elektabilitas , Political Support 

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/tps.v12i2.835


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