Journal History

Al-'Adalah is a scientific journal published by the Fakultas Syari'ah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung based on the Rector Decree Number IN/11/ R/66.a-KP/2003. This journal published its first printed version in 2003, aiming to facilitate the publication of academicians’ and researchers’ work on Islamic Law. The first Printed International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of Al-‘Adalah was received in 2007. Al-‘Adalah was only available in printed versions until 2011. Only after 2011, starting from Volume 10 Number 2 2011, it was available online via Al-'Adalah received grade “B” accreditation in 2014, based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 040/P/2014 dated 14 February 2014 concerning Results of Accreditation of Scientific Periodicals II Period 2013. Following 2017, Al-'Adalah adopted The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) policies and secured its  E-ISSN in 2018. This strategic move has facilitated widespread accessibility to the journal through various Internet media channels. Apart from being a member of CrossRef, Al-'Adalah also collaborates with the Association of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Lecturers (ADHKI). Furthermore, since 2018, starting with issue Vol.15 No. 1 2018, all articles in this journal are no longer presented in two languages (Indonesian and English) but are devoted only to English. In 2019, The journal has been reaccredited (SINTA 2) by the decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) Number 10/E/KPT/2019.