Quality improvement in teaching and learning science in primary school settings: Using a metaphor to approach the concept of light

James Rodriguez, David Castro


The present study focuses on the approach of the concept of light by primary school students. The study explores how a teaching procedure founded on using the metaphor that light travels as a wave reflects on the concept of light as a distinct natural entity. The experimental method was used for the research. One hundred and fifty-two children aged between 7 to 8 years old (average age 7.59) from 9 different primary school classes in Colorado, USA, participated in the research. An experimental and control group was delineated. Following a socio-cognitive perspective, the experimental group took part in a teaching procedure based on using the metaphor that light travels as a wave. Following an empiricist perspective, the control group took part in a teaching procedure based on a description of the phenomenon without using a metaphor. Data had been collected through pre and post-test, which results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. The quantitative analysis showed an essential difference between the two groups. The experimental group pupils achieve higher learning outcomes as they better understand light as a distinct entity. It is argued that using a metaphor allows children to make connections with their everyday life, wonder about, and conceptualize light in a more efficient and meaningful way. The study informs everyday educational practice by providing a quality improvement element for learning and teaching about the primary classroom light


Light; Metaphor; Primary education; Pupils’ alternative conceptions; Science education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/jipfalbiruni.v9i2.6141


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