Fostering Tolerance Among Indonesian Youth: A Muslim-Christian Perspective

Ayu Kristina, Zaenal Muttaqien


Several studies have found that Indonesian youths (17-24 years old) are vulnerable to religious radicalism. As a result, fostering tolerance among them has been critical. This article describes how Indonesian youths understand religious tolerance and then offers suggestions to foster the attitude of tolerance among Indonesian youth through Muslim-Christian dialogs. For that purpose, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held with ten Indonesian youths (five Muslims and five Christians), which discussed open questions about the issue of tolerance. The discussion's outcomes were examined using a theoretical framework of religious tolerance and inter-religious dialogue. So practical suggestions are obtained for fostering tolerance among Indonesian youth. Such as theological understanding that leads to tolerance and pluralism.


Religious tolerance; Interreligious Dialogue; Islam-Kristen; and Indonesian Youth

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FGD with MA, male, 21, Christian.

FGD with CR, male, 24, Christian.

FGD with H, male, 19, Islam.

FGD with AR, male, 24, Islam.

FGD with K, male, 24, Islam.

FGD with SR, female, 21, Islam.

FGD with RJ, female, 23, Islam.

FGD with GH, male, 21, Christian.

FGD with PW, male, 23, Christian.

FGD with SA, male, 22, Christian.



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