Students’ mathematical representation skills in solving numeracy problems with profession context

Dimas Danar Septiadi, Ikha Yuliati, Rany Widyastuti


This research aims to describe students’ mathematical representation skills in solving numeracy problem with profession context. This is qualitative descriptive research with 12 students for its research subjects. There are four steps in analyzing the data, those are data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusions. To check the validity, researchers used techniques triangulation. This research shows that, among those 12 subjects, there are four types of model in solving numeracy problem with profession context. Those are first, students use visual and external representation; second, they perform visual, verbal, math model, and internal representation; third, they use verbal, visual, and external representation; and fourth of all, they use verbal and external representation. To make this result fruitfull, other researchers can try to design mathematics learning activities to train students’ mathematical representation skill such that when students solve numeracy problems, they will not face any difficulties. 


Mathematical representations; numeracy problems; profession context.

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