Entrepreneurship Education of Communitiy Empowerment in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park: A Case Study in Kubu Perahu Village West Lampung

May Roni


This study aims to find out the process and result of entrepreneurship education of
community empowerment in Kubu Perahu Village. This is a kind of descriptive-
qualitative research focusing on the processes described in four dimensions,
namely: Access to Information, Inclusion & Participation, Accountability and Local
Organization Capacity and the results divided into two indicators, namely: Indirect
Indicator of Empowerment and Direct Indicator of Empowerment. The result of the
research shows that the process of educational empowerment in
Community entrepreneurship carried out by the BBSNP Center and the Kubu
Perahu Village community has still not yet optimal. In addition the results
of educational empowerment of entrepreneurship in the community in Kubu Perahu
Village that have not achieved success. Community empowerment and community
welfare are still not felt as a whole. The need for improvement of cooperation
between the Balai Besar TNBBS and the Kubu Perahu Village Community in
relation to education empowerment community entrepreneurship is mainly
required. The community must also think critically, creatively and innovatively in
utilizing the potencies and opportunities related
to community entrepreneurship empowerment.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/alidarah.v8i1.3076


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