Busihat, Awis Karni, Sabiruddin


victims of drug abuse by the Al-Ikhwan Suci Hati Foundation, Nanggalo District, Padang City. This research methodology uses descriptive qualitative method, then the research data is collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The techniques used in the analysis are data display, data reduction and conclusion drawing. The results of research that have been carried out are : (1) Forms of empowering victims of drug abuse, namely : (a) Spiritual empowerment of faith and piety (IMTAK), the implementation of worship such as : prayer, fasting, reading Al-Qur'an and lectures. (b) Intellectual empowerment, namely the provision of knowledge such as, morals, Islamic cultural history (SKI), creed, the dangers of drugs, and other general knowledge. (c) Social empowerment, mutual assistance to help, interact with the environment, mutual cooperation with Public. (d) Economic empowerment, including awareness, capacity building, and empowerment such as, gardening, oyster mushroom breeding, motorbike training, craft of making prayer rugs, handicrafts made of bamboo and coconut shells, making folding kites. (2) Constraints faced in empowerment activities are the lack of facilities and infrastructure in the Al-Ikhwan Suci Hati Foundation, there is no support from the city or regional government, and there is a negative stigma from the public towards victims of drug abuse. (3) From the results of the empowerment activities there will be changes in behavior, spiritual, intellectual, social and economic improvement towards the better of the victims of drug abuse.


Empowerment; Drug Victims; Al-Ikhwan Suci Hati Foundation

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