The impact of social media usage intensity on self-esteem: survey on emerging adulthood of instagram user

Lili Mira Julia Rahma, Setiasih Setiasih


Social media can be used to increase individual popularity, one of which is Instagram. Instagram can be used to increase individual self-popularity or increase self-esteem. The purpose of this study, namely to determine the relationship between the intensity of using Instagram and self-esteem in emerging adulthood. This research is a quantitative-survey research, with 259 students at “X” University as many as male and female participants aged 18-25 years. The measuring instrument used is the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale and the Instagram Intensity Scale. The analysis used was the Spearman non-parametric correlation test. The results show that there is a significant correlation between the intensity of using Instagram and self-esteem on emerging adulthood, there is also a correlation between emotional attachment to Instagram and self-esteem on emerging adulthood. Thus the higher the intensity of using Instagram or the higher the emotional attachment to Instagram, the higher the self-esteem of emerging adulthood. The higher the intensity of a person using Instagram, the higher the desire or motivation of the individual to become more prominent.


Emerging Adulthood; The intensity of Use of Instagram; Self-esteem

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