Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika yang Terintegrasi Nilai-Nilai Keislaman pada Materi Garis dan Sudut

Endah Wulantina


The purpose of education according to Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System is for learners to actively develop their potential so as to have spiritual strength , intelligence and noble character . One of the tools that are necessary to achieve these objectives is the teaching materials . Educators can formulate a teaching materials that meet the eligibility standards of teaching materials and integrated Islamic values , so that students are not only able to understand the concept of the material properly , but the instructional materials capable of being a bridge in the formation of spiritual strength and noble character of learners . The integration of Islamic values is very appropriate for the material math, because math is one of the subjects that always exist in schools , from primary school to secondary school level. Based on interviews with one of the teachers of mathematics in MTsN Padang Ratu , until now there is no mathematical teaching materials integrated Islamic values , so that teachers in schools have not been able to optimally integrate mathematical material with Islamic values . Moreover , not a few participants of students that scored high cognitive moral is not good yet . Therefore , this study was conducted with the aim to develop integrated math teaching materials on Islamic values of class VII MTs level in the material lines and angles . Research by the author is a development research with qualitative data analysis . This research was conducted with several stages : first , the analysis of the product to be developed, both to develop the initial product that teaching materials math class VII in the material lines and angles by integrating Islamic values , the third expert validation that is testing the feasibility of teaching materials consisting of mathematicians , religious scholars and teachers of mathematics , fourth , the revision is to improve teaching materials that do not meet eligibility standards , in accordance with the ideas and suggestions of experts. Based on these stages then the resulting mathematical teaching materials integrated Islamic values tsanawiyah rate of madrasah classes VII to the material lines and angles .


integration of Islamic values; mathematics teaching materials; Bahan ajar matematika; integrasi nilai-nilai keislaman

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