management;Education; Environment, Management Education; education management journal ; Islamic Education; mee

Journal of Advanced Islamic Educational Management

Journal titleJournal of Advanced Islamic  Educational Management
Frequency2 issues per year (June and December)
DOIprefix 10.24042 by  
Print ISSN: 2798-4222
Online ISSN: 2798-3927
Editor-in-chiefYetri Hasan ([email protected])
PublisherUniversitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
Cite AnalysisGoogle Scholar DIMENSIONS

The Journal of Advanced Islamic  Educational Management provides a forum for scholarly reporting and discussion of developments in all aspects of teaching and learning in the education management. The Journal seeks reflective papers which bring together pedagogy and theories of management learning; descriptions of innovative teaching which include critical reflection on implementation and outcomes will also be considered. By promoting critical discussion on current innovations within these areas, the journal represents an excellent forum for highlighting the profile of management education on both a national and international level. The Journal of Advanced Islamic  Educational Management is the outlet for educational research and developments within the education of management.














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