The Concept of 'Ana' According to Badiuzaman Said Nursi and Contemporary Psychological Discussion

Jarman Arroisi , Netty Yuwanda


This article examines the concept of "Ana or ego" in Badiuzzaman Said Nursi's psychological thinking as a form of offering to the contemporary psychological problem of "narcissism" which has been in the spotlight of the wider community. From this study, it is found that the "concept of Ana or ego" seen through the paradigm of harfi encourages humans to have a complete understanding of the existence of themselves and God who is Almighty Nurturing and Powerful. Individuals who can reflect the partial nature of the attributes of Allah the Almighty are very good attitudes. From this attitude, a person can put himself in his proper place as a servant and can know his God as the Creator of nature. On the other hand, if the understanding of "the concept of Ana or ego" is seen through the ismi paradigm, it will have implications for a form of wrong understanding which results in zero knowledge of the real existence of oneself, which leads to narcissism. With the descriptive analysis method, the study of "the concept of Ana or ego" which is understood through this paradigm of harfi is an antidote to the problem of the spread of narcissism in society. The paradigm of harfi which is used by Said Nursi in seeing the concept of Ana or ego can guide a person to the correct understanding of tauhid. Who can control one's Ana or ego the ability of a person to control the ego is a necessity that must be owned and achieved so that each individual can give birth to al-Aklaq al-Karimah.


Ana; Ego; Narcissism; Ismi; Harfi

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