Mitigating Cyber Sexual Harassment via Social Media Platforms

Eko Hero , Bunga Astini


The large number of social media users in society and the high number of cases of online sexual harassment have led several social media accounts, especially on Instagram, to use their platforms as educational mediums regarding cyber sexual harassment. This research aims to examine the relationship and gaps between the motives and satisfaction of Instagram followers of cyber sexual harassment educational accounts in Indonesia. This research employs quantitative methods and the Expectancy-Value model introduced by Palmgreen, along with data processing using Spearman's Rho and the mean test. The results show a relationship between the motives and satisfaction of followers of the cyber sexual harassment educational accounts, with a correlation value of 0.720. The mean test indicates a gap of 0.14 between the motives and satisfaction of followers of these accounts. The resulting satisfaction gap is negative, meaning that @media.riseup, @awaskbgo, @stop.kbgo, and @taskforce_kbgo have not been able to fulfill the gratification sought by their followers. The results of the interviews conducted also reflect this finding. Additionally, the distribution of information or posts from @media.riseup, @awaskbgo, @stop.kbgo, and @taskforce_kbgo accounts is inconsistent.


Cyber sexual harassment; Virtual Communication; Social media


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Catatan Tahunan (CATAHU) 2020 Dari Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan (KOMNAS PEREMPUAN)



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