Cognitive restructuring group counseling to increase adversity quotient as an effort to prevent suicide in students

Hartika Utami Fitri , Chairunnisah Putri Ayu Ningsih , Javica Julianti , Dwi Amanda Khairunisya , Aisyah Maharani , Bagus Wahyu Alamsyah


The issue of suicide has recently become a global problem while student For preventing the occurrence possibility kill a high adversity quotient is needed . The purpose of the research is for know the effectiveness counseling Counseling Restructuring Engineering Group Cognitive For Improving Student Adversity Quotient. Second , knowing expression students who have a low adversity quotient . Research methods This use approach mix method with embedded design method mixture with embedded experimental. Subject research A total of 10 people were taken with technique purposive sampling from a total population of 227 students . Data collection techniques using (adversity quotient questionnaire ) with a total of 25 statement items . Data analysis techniques using technique quantitative data analysis ( Wilcoxon test ), qualitative data analysis (Miles & Huberman ), techniques mix method data analysis . Research results show counseling Restructuring Engineering Group Cognitive  effective increase Adversity Quotient in students.


Adversity quotient;counseling group;cognitive restructuring suicidal tought


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