Table of Contents
Analysis of co-working space needs as an alternative learning environment for students
Rika Mia Raudotussolehah, Cece Rakhmat, Nandang Budiman, Hardiyansyah Masya
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.20298
Abstract views : 102 times
Understanding school climate: the influence of peer social interactions on student resilience
Nur Kholifah, Novia Sylvia, Ahman Ahman
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.20750
Abstract views : 56 times
Resilience of health workers in improving the quality of digital-based services: an Islamic community development perspective
Ika Sudirahayu, Bahri Ghozali, Nilawati Tadjuddin, Sonhaji Sonhaji
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.22642
Abstract views : 54 times
Problem solving technique based on trisilas culture to improve self- regulated learning (SRL) for students in the digital era
Indra Bangkit Komara, Dody Hartanto, Muya Barida, Hardi Santosa, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24340
Abstract views : 87 times
Development of the SERIBU (Sex Education, Friendly and Interactive) Application as a Guidance Service Media for Preventive Efforts from Sexual Abuse
Devi Ayu Kurniawati, Galuh Mulyawan, Titi Sunarti
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24044
Abstract views : 42 times
Nrimo Ing Pandum philosophy through reality counseling approach in enhancing students' self-acceptance
Alief Laili Budiyono, Nining Maizura, Lismaini Lismaini, Linka Latifany Falasifa Reidana, Ade Herdian Putra
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24405
Abstract views : 53 times
Career adaptability among FTTE students at Jambi University
Sri Rahmah Ramadhoni, Hera Wahyuni, Zubaidah Zubaidah, Yudo Handoko, Siti Nahdhiatus Soleha
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24484
Abstract views : 29 times
Integrating counseling with technology: An evaluation of the application through user review analysis with machine learning
Harun Al Azies, Hani Brilianti Rochmanto, Cindy Asli Pravesti, Fenny Fitriani
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24357
Abstract views : 50 times
Reality counseling: Overcome anxiety and build self-confidence in thesis completion
Dewi Yulianti, Fitri Aulia, Baiq Mahyatun, Marfuatun Marfuatun, Novi Alengka
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24269
Abstract views : 45 times
In-Depth Understanding of Bullying in Schools: A Systematic Literature
Defriyanto Defriyanto, Mulawarman Mulawarman, Haryono Haryono, Sunawan Sunawan
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.23252
Abstract views : 76 times
The relationship between interpersonal communication skills and positive conformity of junior high school students
Mega Aria Monica, Laila Maharani, Reiska Primanisa, Nadia Putri Yani
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24409
Abstract views : 59 times
Implementation approach rational emotive behavior therapy as efforts to improve student discipline at SMTI Bandar Lampung vocational school
Reni Aprilia, Badrul Kamil, Sulthan Syahril, Busmayaril Busmayaril, Nova Erlina
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.23682
Abstract views : 37 times
Exploration of Gender Sensitivity Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Handling Victims of Sexual Harassment in Schools
Siti Zahra Bulantika, Rizka Puspita Sari, Andi Wahyu Irawan
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24723
Abstract views : 32 times
Student career preparation strategies through workforce agility: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
Lia Anggeraini, Ira Hidayati, Citra Wahyuni
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24329
Abstract views : 218 times
Wali Songo's Teachings as an Inspiration for Education in Preventing Intolerance Among Adolescents
Linka Latifany Falasifa Reidana, Im Hambali, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman, Muslihati Muslihati
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.22473
Abstract views : 35 times
The Success of the Napiter Re-education Program on the Acceptance of the Republic of Indonesia: Narrative Literature Review
Andi Thahir, Bambang Budi Wiranto, Nadya Cahyani Bahar
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.25987
Abstract views : 33 times
Mixed method study: Self-injury behavior based on intensity of social media (Tiktok) use in students
Feni Jesica, Ruly Ningsih
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DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24707
Abstract views : 43 times
Cognitive restructuring group counseling to increase adversity quotient as an effort to prevent suicide in students
Hartika Utami Fitri, Chairunnisah Putri Ayu Ningsih, Javica Julianti, Dwi Amanda Khairunisya, Aisyah Maharani, Bagus Wahyu Alamsyah
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24810
Abstract views : 60 times
Accessibility of technology in crisis counseling services: facilitating students with traumatic experiences
Berlima Pasaribu, Anne Hafina
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24573
Abstract views : 24 times
Improving the quality of guidance and counseling services through android-based data collection information technology
Idriani Idris, Permata Sari, Nur Idil Fitri Idris, Ferisa Prasetyaning Utami
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24802
Abstract views : 28 times
Evaluating Evidence-Based Student Development for School Counseling Program Enhancement
Mohamad Awal Lakadjo, Permata Sari, Mohamad Rizal Pautina, Jumadi Mori Salam Tuasikal
| Country :
DOI : 10.24042/kons.v11i2.24757
Abstract views : 100 times