Journal Title | : Socio Religia |
E-ISSN | : 3047-0919 (online) |
DOI Prefix | : Prefix 10.24042 by Crossref |
Editor in Chief | : Luthfi Salim, M.Socio |
Publisher | : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (June and December) |
Citation Analysis | : Garuda | Google Scholar | |
Socio Religia is a scientific journal published by the Sociology of Religion Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Religious Studies UIN Raden Intan Lampung since 2019.
This journal is published twice a year in June and December. This journal focuses on the fields of study of the sociology of religion, such as religious communities, multicultural societies, conflict, gender, social development, family and relationships, democracy, social movements, urban and rural communities, Islamic boarding schools, social psychology and social relations between religions either textual or research with a social approach especially within the theoretical framework of the sociology of religion.
The journal accepts a variety of formats including articles from scientific forums, review essays, and special issues. The editors also accept book reviews to be published in a special section of the publication. Articles can be written for submission in Indonesian and English.
Articles submitted for publication in Socio Religia can be written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, to provide space for more international writers and readers.
In Volume 4 No. 1 (December 2023), this journal began using e-ISSN 2622-5530, marking a change in its status to a journal with digital identification.