Self-Awareness Management and Student Learning Understanding Case Study in Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Rizal Afif Abdullah Napitupulu, Ani Minarni


Emotional intelligence has become an important part of achieving learning outcomes and has been proven by previous research. Self-awareness is part of emotional intelligence. Self-awareness student must be managed because it will contribute to the understanding of the student learning outcomes. So students can compete in facing a dynamic environment. This research study was to collect data and insights about student learning outcomes based on the level of self-awareness. The hypothesis of this study is that students who achieve good learning outcomes are students who have good self-awareness and have a positive influence on student learning outcomes. The research sample consisted of 30 students of Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, Bukit class and 11 students of Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, Banyuasin Class. Self-awareness and student learning outcomes were measured by a questionnaire with a Lickert scale. Then, the data were analyzed through SPSS software. The result is that self-awareness has a significant influence on student learning outcomes.


Psychology, Management, Learning Process

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