Self instruction techniques recommends using the trend of student "smartphone addiction" to increase self-esteem

M. Zuhdi Zainul Majdi, Sulma Mafirja, Phina Maranata


Smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that readily occurs in adolescents and harms physical and mental development. One of the factors that influence the occurrence of smartphone addiction in adolescents is low self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of group counseling using self-instruction techniques to increase students' self-esteem and make them vulnerable to smartphone addiction. This study used a pre-test and post-test design from a random control group, involving 7 XII students majoring in fashion at SMK Negeri 1 Takengon. The data analysis technique used is repeated measurement analysis of variance. The results showed that the self-instruction technique group counseling can effectively increase the self-esteem of students who tend to be addicted to smartphones in Takengon City, Aceh


Group Counseling; Self-Esteem; Self Instruction; Smartphone

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