Pembaharuan Islam di India

Nirwan Hamid


Movement and renewal undertaken by the figures of Islam are a proof that Islam is not only able to transform it into a force that can‟t see just one eye but also is assimilated with the local cultural products does not eliminate the Islamic identity for the sake of building a nation.

Muslim leaders are able to evoke the spirit of Islam in an effort to reunite his country which has been monopolized by foreign parties. And with brilliant ideas that these leaders are able to restore confidence in them each to defend their country of oppression which they have experienced.

Updates are  massively made  the figures  are certainly  not without  foundation and strong roots, they dig up the scientific-scholarly Islam that had been forgotten by the Islamic people and  called for re-opening the door for Ijtihad which is as closed and it was perfect. Because by the opening  back door  of  Ijtihad will  provide sufficient  space to  contribute to  the nation and country.

Various types carried by the reformer is to regrow the passion of knowledge of Islam that had been dormant, some chose to compromise with the occupiers to incorporate the ideas and ideology of Islam into the governing structure so that it can absorb and creating jobs for the  Muslim citizens  at a  time so  as to  reduce unemployment.  There is  also a  type of  not colonial and choose the extreme way so that not infrequently lead to friction and war, and this is very extreme. There is also rather incorporate ideas and understand through the mass media so that can transmit the spirit and evocative  Ghirah back to resistances to colonization at the time because it was very necessary.

The effort already made by Islamic leaders have a lot to fruition with the resistance of the people either frontally  or in  the form  of theoretical  concept with the spirit  of their  country willingly colonized and  trampled,  causing misery for them.  Once again  science  Islam has  a  very important role in uniting the spirit and the resistance to the invaders.


Updates Islam and India

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