journal;ISSN;science education;mathematics education;fisika;biologi;kimia;studijournal;online journal;artikel ilmiah;jurnal ilmiah

Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education [e-ISSN: 2615-8639] is a journal that is published by Unit Riset dan Publikasi Ilmiah FTK Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung. Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education is a medium of communication used by researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, and University student for submitting the result of studies and prioritized result of research in the field of science and mathematics education, including the development of instruments of evaluation science and mathematics, development of instructional media science and mathematics, the development of learning model of science and mathematics, also ethnosciences and ethnomathematics in learning. First published in 2018 and regularly published three (3) times a year, in March, July, and November. The script that is loaded is the original manuscript, not yet published in other publications. The editor receives from the author of researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, and University students for submitting results of studies and the prioritized results of research concerned with Science and Mathematics Education Development. This journal collaborates with Physics Society of Indonesia (PSI).

Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education has become a CrossRef Member since the year 2018. Therefore, all articles published by IJSME will have a unique DOI number.

IJSME is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia Number 79/E/KPT/2023 (Grade 2). Accreditation is valid for five years, that is: from volume 5 no. 2, 2022, until volume 10 no. 1, 2027.

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