The Sufficient Conditions for M[[S,w]] to be T[[S,w]]-Noetherian R[[S,w]]-module

Ahmad Faisol, Fitriani Fitriani


In this paper, we investigate the sufficient conditions for T[[S,w]] to be a multiplicative subset of skew generalized power series ring R[[S,w]], where R is a ring, T Í R a multiplicative set, (S,≤) a strictly ordered monoid, and w : S®End(R) a monoid homomorphism. Furthermore, we obtain sufficient conditions for skew generalized power series module M[[S,w]] to be a T[[S,w]]-Noetherian R[[S,w]]-module, where M is an R-module.


monoid homomorphism; multiplicative set; skew generalized power series; strictly ordered monoid; T-Noetherian

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