Hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) for proof logic topics on algebra course: What’re the experts think about?

Riza Agustiani, Rahmat Nursalim


Proof has a role in the formation and development of mathematics in the history of mathematics. The ability to construct proof is one indicator of mathematical reasoning which is an important component of mathematics learning outcomes, especially in Algebra. This qualitative research aims to describe the design process of the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory for Proof Logic Topics. This research is based on design research. This research consists of three stages: preparing for the experiment, the design experiment, and the retrospective analysis. Data collection techniques in this research are walkthrough and interview. The walkthrough and interview were conducted in the first stage of design research (preparing the experiment) with two activities: expert review and reader proof to collect materials to revise the HLT. Four experts participated in the expert review. The experts are chosen based on the experience, both research experience, and teaching experience. The result of this research is the design of HLT for proof logic topics consist of four activities: reading proof, completing proof, examining proof, and Constructing proof. The four activities were well-done on the design experiment stage.



Algebra; Hypothetical Learning Trajectory; Proof Logic.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/ajpm.v11i1.6204


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